Student Demographics

Undergraduate Enrollment by Gender and Race/Ethnicity as of Census, Fall 2023
Race/Ethnicity Male % Male Female % Female Institute % Institute
Asian 4,024 20.6% 2,605 13.4% 6,629 34.0%
Black or African-American 842 4.3% 717 3.7% 1,559 8.0%
Hispanic/Latino 975 5.0% 625 3.2% 1,600 8.2%
White 4,244 21.8% 2,607 13.4% 6,851 35.1%
Two or More 527 2.7% 367 1.9% 894 4.6%
Other/Unknown 149 0.8% 97 0.5% 246 1.3%
International 1,096 5.6% 630 3.2% 1,726 8.8%
Institute Total 11,857 60.8% 7,648 39.2% 19,505 100.0%


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Graduate Enrollment by Gender and Race/Ethnicity as of Census, Fall 2023
Race/Ethnicity Male % Male Female % Female Institute % Institute
Asian 3,801 13.4% 1,754 6.2% 5,555 19.5%
Black or African-American 686 2.4% 377 1.3% 1,063 3.7%
Hispanic/Latino 1,196 4.2% 348 1.2% 1,544 5.4%
White 6,359 22.4% 1,783 6.3% 8,142 28.6%
Two or More 539 1.9% 176 0.6% 715 2.5%
Other/Unknown 404 1.4% 83 0.3% 487 1.7%
International 7,483 26.3% 3,452 12.1% 10,935 38.4%
Institute Total 20,468 72.0% 7,973 28.0% 28,441 100.0%